• The first form of representation as a musician online, before someone even gets to the play button, will be your image. Firstly, gather all of the most recent and relevant information about your music career and put it in a bio, if you have not done so already.

    People need to have some background information on you to form an image of who you are in their minds. Be sure this bio is written in 3rd person to make it professional! It doesn’t need to be lengthy, but make sure you cover key points about yourself including where you are from, what inspired your career, and any previous projects you’ve worked on. 

    Also, be sure the images on your profiles are up to date and of good quality. If you are just starting out and unable to provide a high-quality photo of yourself, a great alternative is to add a high-quality graphic or cover photo that fits your image as a musician. No one will need to know that you haven’t had your photoshoot yet!