5 Ways To Avoid Listener Fatigue Wednesday February 2 2022, 6:18 AM
Yona Marie
Singer, Songwriter, Producer.
5 Ways To Avoid Listener Fatigue

Getting Listener Fatigue

If you're a musician or a construction worker, you've probably experienced some form of listener fatigue due to prolonged loud noises.

It may seem like the only and obvious answer is to take a break from the noise and get back to it later, but there are some other tips and tricks that come in handy that can help you avoid this phenomenon successfully. 

There's still a lot of mystery in the science world surrounding the technical causes of this fatigue, but the irritation in your ear is caused by stereocilia or hair-like cells that get damaged by loud or prolonged noise.

When hearing loss is present, the brain has to compensate for the loss and work harder than before to process the same information, causing stress on the brain and, finally, fatigue.

This can bring you tiredness, pain, and loss of sensitivity. Here are some ways to avoid this when you're having long studio nights or on tour with crazy amounts of noise constantly hitting your eardrums. 

Keep Your Heart Rate Low

According to a Scandanavian Audiology study, there is a direct link between listener fatigue and exercise.

If you are suffering from this fatigue while doing your workout, consider choosing a form of working out that doesn't involve loud music or loud noises for an extended amount of time. 

Keep Your Temperature Low

According to this study, there has also been a link between high temperature and high amounts of listener fatigue, which can also be referred to as temporary threshold shifts.

If you are in an environment where the music or audio must be loud, consider lowering the temperature to lessen the risk of fatigue. If you are outdoors in intense heat, you are at greater risk. 

Use Hearing Aids 

If you're experiencing this type of fatigue time after time, consider talking to your doctor about it. You may be in need of a hearing aid that can help you dramatically while you work throughout your day while listening to deafening noises.

Hearing aids help people to increase volume if need be, but they can also reduce loud noises around you and prevent you from tinnitus. 


Avoid Prolonged Exposure To Sonic Artifacts

Sonic artifacts are music materials that are accidental or unwanted, resulting from the editing or manipulation of a sound.

If you're a musician, producer, or engineer, chances are you have been hearing sonic artifacts in rough mixes and edits that play back while songs are created. 

Listening to these unmixed or distorted sounds, including clicks, pops, vocal peaks, and similar harsh sounds, is a very easy way to send yourself into listener fatigue.

If it's your job to listen to music for mixing, ensure you're not exposing yourself to these sounds for long periods.

Take multiple breaks! Most audio engineers know better than to sit for a long period of time and put their ears through that type of work all in one go. 

Use Ear Protection

If you need a quick recovery break after extended loud music or sound, try dampening the sound immediately with earplugs or earmuffs.

It's much more effective than just turning down the volume on the sound or going into a somewhat quiet environment. Locking out sound as best as possible will help your body recuperate. 

Related Post: The Best Ear Protection To Avoid Damage From Loud Music

Bonus Tip - Check Your Levels!

Sound is commonly measured by decibels, also known as dB. If you want to ensure you aren't damaging your ears, try to keep your dB levels under a certain amount.

A whispered tone is around 30 dB, and a normal spoken voice level is about 60 dB. On the higher end, a motorcycle engine running is about 95 dB. 

With headphones or loudspeakers, we often go too far with our music levels and hit over 100 dB. Noise above 70 dB over a prolonged period of time may cause damage to your hearing.

Noises over 120 dB can do damage immediately. Download a mobile decibel-reading app, like Sound Level Meter or Decibel Meter, to measure decibels.

Related Post: Can Loud Music Hurt Your Dog's Ears?

Places Listener Fatigue Can Hit The Hardest

Music Studios

Studios are equipped with state-of-the-art recording equipment, soundproof rooms, and experienced engineers who help musicians achieve their desired sound. However, even in such inspiring places, listener fatigue can set in.

Spending long hours in the studio, constantly listening to the same sections, and making repetitive adjustments can lead to a decline in the ability to objectively evaluate the music.

It's crucial for artists and producers to take breaks, switch up listening environments, and trust their instincts to combat listener fatigue and maintain a fresh perspective on their work.


Concerts And Festivals

Concerts and music festivals are exciting events that bring together live performances, passionate fans, and a vibrant atmosphere.

However, attending back-to-back concerts or multi-day festivals can take a toll on the listener's energy and perception of the music. The constant exposure to loud music, crowded environments, and sensory overload can lead to listener fatigue.

To combat this, it's essential to take breaks, stay hydrated, and give oneself time to rest and recharge between performances.

Related Post: 10 Handy Tips For Listening To Music On A Plane

Sports Arenas And Stadiums

Along with the excitement and cheering, these venues often have loud music, chants, and announcements, contributing to listener fatigue. Continuous exposure to high-volume sounds over an extended period can be tiring for the ears.

To manage listener fatigue in sports arenas and stadiums, take breaks in quieter areas, and use earplugs or noise-canceling headphones.

Also, being mindful of personal listening thresholds can help prevent auditory exhaustion while still enjoying the lively atmosphere of the sporting events.

Music Schools

While music schools are renowned for their rigorous programs and high standards, they can also be environments where listener fatigue can arise.

Students and faculty members spend countless hours practicing, rehearsing, and critiquing music, which can lead to exhaustion and diminished appreciation for the art form.

To combat listener fatigue in music conservatories, it's important for students to establish healthy practice routines, take regular breaks, and explore a diverse range of musical styles and genres.

Additionally, engaging in collaborative music-making, attending performances outside the conservatory, and seeking inspiration from various sources can help foster a renewed passion and enthusiasm for music.

Related Post: Ears Ringing After A Concert? Here's What You Need To Know


Yona Marie

As a session singer, writer, and producer that has worked with over 300 clients to provide high-quality jingles, singles, and features, Yona spends her time creating and marketing new music and helpful resources for creators. Check out Yona’s latest releases on her Spotify, her Youtube and share if you like it!

If you are in need of singer, songwriter or song producer services, see what Yona Marie can offer you on her services page.

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