How To Approach Humming To Get The Best Vocal Sound Tuesday August 6 2024, 4:53 PM
Yona Marie
Singer, Songwriter, Producer.
How To Approach Humming To Get The Best Vocal Sound

Humming is an excellent vocal exercise that can help improve your vocal tone, resonance, and breath control. It's also a good technique to use in full songs and performances. Here’s how to approach humming to get the best vocal sound.

Relax Your Body and Face

Posture: Stand or sit with a straight spine, relaxed shoulders, and an open chest. Good posture supports better airflow and sound production.

Relaxation: Ensure your face, jaw, and neck are relaxed. Tension in these areas can hinder your vocal quality.

Proper Breathing

Deep Breaths: Breathe deeply from your diaphragm rather than shallow chest breathing. Diaphragmatic breathing provides better breath support.

Controlled Exhalation: When you exhale during humming, do so slowly and steadily to maintain a consistent sound.

Focus on Resonance

Nasal Resonance: Humming should create a vibrating sensation in your nasal cavity and face, particularly around your lips and nose. This resonance enhances your vocal tone.

Head Resonance: Try to feel the vibrations in your forehead and the top of your head, which can add brightness and richness to your voice.

Mouth Position and Lip Closure

Loose Lips: Keep your lips gently closed but not tightly pressed together. A relaxed lip position allows the sound to resonate freely.

Slight Opening: You can experiment with slightly opening your lips to see how it affects the tone and resonance.

Vocal Placement

Forward Placement: Imagine the sound is placed forward, right behind your nose. This forward placement helps in achieving a clear, bright tone.

Vowel Formation: Even though you’re humming, think of the vowel shapes (like "M" or "N") in your mind to influence the tone.

Pitch Control

Start Simple: Begin with a comfortable pitch and gradually move up and down your range. This helps you maintain control and prevents straining.

Smooth Transitions: As you change pitches, ensure the transitions are smooth and connected.

Experiment with Dynamics

Soft and Loud: Practice humming at different volumes, from soft to loud. This can help improve your dynamic control and breath support.

Crescendo and Decrescendo: Gradually increase and decrease the volume of your hum to develop control over your breath and vocal tone.

Use Humming as a Warm-Up

Pre-Singing Exercise: Humming is an excellent warm-up before singing. It gently engages your vocal cords and prepares your voice without straining.

Cool Down: It can also be used as a cool-down exercise after a singing session to relax the vocal cords.

Mindfulness and Focus

Listen to the Sound: Pay attention to the quality of your hum. Is it smooth, even, and resonant? Adjust as needed.

Feel the Vibrations: Concentrate on where you feel the vibrations in your face and head. The more you can feel these, the better your resonance.

Practice Regularly

Consistency: Regular practice of humming will gradually improve your vocal tone, breath control, and resonance.

Variety: Experiment with different pitches, volumes, and resonating areas to explore the full potential of your voice.

By focusing on these elements, you’ll be able to maximize the benefits of humming and improve your overall vocal sound.

Yona Marie

As a session singer, writer, and producer that has worked with over 300 clients to provide high-quality jingles, singles, and features, Yona spends her time creating and marketing new music and helpful resources for creators. Check out Yona’s latest releases on her Spotify, her Youtube and share if you like it!

If you are in need of singer, songwriter or song producer services, see what Yona Marie can offer you on her services page.

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