Natural Signs In Music: What Does A Natural Do To A Note? Thursday October 21 2021, 10:56 AM
Yona Marie
Singer, Songwriter, Producer.
Natural Signs In Music: What Does A Natural Do To A Note?

What Do Sharps And Flats Do To A Note?

In order to understand what a natural sign does to a note, you must first know what sharps and flats do to a note. If you've come across this blog, you likely already know. If not, I'll quickly go over it for you!

A sharp will make a note a half step higher, while a flat will make a note a half step lower. In Western music, you will come across a key signature at the beginning of a song that may have one or several notes or sharps.

Skip to the next section if you're familiar enough with sharps and flats. 

The most basic key, or scale, is the key of C. When looking at the piano, you will note that you can play through the whole major scale of C without using any black keys.

This is because the major scale is perfectly set up to fit the key of C, with each of the notes having either a half step or a whole step in between.

When you reach the 3rd note on a major scale, the note directly after is naturally a half step higher and not a whole step like you will hear and see between the tonic note (1st note) and 2nd note or the 2nd and 3rd note.

The same happens between the 7th (the B) and the following 1st note, which will again be C (a higher C) since there are only seven unique notes on a major scale. 


The key of C is not the only key you can create a major scale in. You can use any note on the piano to start your major scale, but you will need to adjust the notes with a sharp or flat to keep the right amount of half and whole steps in between the notes.

This is why you will notice that some key signatures have either sharps or flats. F major, for example, needs to use Bb instead of B in order to maintain the right amount of space between the 3rd and 4th note of the scale.

What Does A Natural Sign Do To A Note?

While following the major or minor scale rules works well for many songs, sometimes a song will add more flavor than what the basic scale dictates in its rules.

As an example, many major scale songs like to use a raised 4th instead of the regular 4th note in a scale to give the relationship between the 4th and the 5th note more of the natural leading tone feeling between the 7th and the 1st note.

This also gives a song a feel of a Lydian scale instead of a major scale. A Lydian scale is just like the major scale, but it raises the 4th note by a half step. 

To show in a measure of your song that you are temporarily using a raised fourth in your scale, you would need to mark that note with a natural.

A natural sign will indicate that you want to break the rules for that section and change the way the scale works in order to add more flavor and emotion to that one part.

Related Post: What Is A Whole Tone Scale?


What Is An Accidental In Music Terms?

Flat signs, sharp signs, and natural signs are what we like to call accidentals in music.

In some cases, these extra notes that add flavor will need a sharp or a flat sign instead of a natural sign in order to show the musician they must sing or play a different note than intended.

For example, in the key of C, a natural wouldn't change a thing in the scale since there are no sharps or flats in the key of C in the first place. To indicate a raised fourth in the key of C, you will need to put a sharp symbol next to the note. 

It may sound funny to call it an "accidental" since you really won't be singing the changed note on accident, but it could sound like an accident and feel strange that you broke the rules of the scale for that song.

Once you've played or sung through enough accidentals though, you'll start to get the hang of it. 

Related Post: Sharps Vs. Flats - And Being Sharp Vs. Being Flat

How Long Does An Accidental Last In Music?

It is important to note that an accidental only changes the rules of your song's scale and key for one measure. If you see a note with an accidental in one measure but not in the next, you will need to recognize that as two different notes.

Sometimes, it can get confusing when misprints are involved, and the note that needs to be sung is missing or has an "accidental accidental" (HAHA!).

On the other hand, it should be easy for a well-ear-trained musician to figure out which note will fit that song in that particular place. 


Tips For Understanding Natural Signs

Learn Key Signatures

Key signatures indicate the presence of sharps or flats in a particular key. Familiarize yourself with different key signatures to anticipate the altered notes throughout a piece of music.

Study Scale Structure

Major and minor scales have specific patterns of whole and half steps. Understanding these patterns helps you identify when a natural sign is used to deviate from the standard scale structure and create unique musical flavors.

Develop Ear Training

Developing your ear training skills will enable you to recognize and differentiate between different pitches and alterations more effectively.

Regular practice and exposure to various musical pieces will enhance your ability to identify accidentals and their impact on the melody.



In conclusion, understanding sharps, flats, and natural signs is essential for navigating the world of music notation. Sharps raise a note by a half step, while flats lower it by a half step.

However, different keys require adjustments to maintain the proper spacing between notes, resulting in sharps or flats in their key signatures.

Natural signs, on the other hand, allow musicians to break the rules momentarily and add flavor to their compositions.

They are used when deviating from the standard major or minor scale structure, often creating a unique mood or scale variation.

To enhance your understanding of natural signs and accidentals, familiarize yourself with key signatures, study scale structures, and develop your ear training.

These tips will help you anticipate and interpret the altered notes correctly, enabling you to engage with and appreciate the nuances of music notation. So, keep exploring and practicing to enhance your musical journey!

Related Post: 6 Essential Music Theory Basics Every Musician Should Know

Yona Marie

As a session singer, writer, and producer that has worked with over 300 clients to provide high-quality jingles, singles, and features, Yona spends her time creating and marketing new music and helpful resources for creators. Check out Yona’s latest releases on her Spotify, her Youtube and share if you like it!

If you are in need of singer, songwriter or song producer services, see what Yona Marie can offer you on her services page.

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