Stop Singing Nasally In 5 Steps Friday February 18 2022, 10:06 AM
Yona Marie
Singer, Songwriter, Producer.
Stop Singing Nasally In 5 Steps

How To Sound Less Nasally 

We all know what it sounds like to sing or speak nasally, like Fran from "The Nanny". Sure, it can be funny and endearing for a second or few, but you don't want to be singing and sounding nasal unless you're doing a particular character performance.

If that's the case, do the opposite of the five steps below!

Singing without sounding nasal can give you better control of your range, vibrato, more clarity in your tone, and better diction for your lyrical delivery.

Luckily, it's pretty easy to do as long as you follow these steps below and realize what can be causing you to sound nasal in the first place. 

You may not be able to stop singing nasally fully, but you can definitely work on how to sound less nasally to the point that your voice becomes much more pleasing to the ear. 


Step 1: Practice Good Posture 

Standing or sitting with poor posture can lead to poor sound quality in your singing or speaking voice. You want your back and neck to be upright, so avoid slouching or being curled up if you are trying to sing without sounding nasal.

Standing is the most optimal posture, but sitting upright in your chair with your head centered vertically and horizontally will help you avoid singing nasally. 

If you are tense in your throat and mouth, you can be in a clenched position and wind up sounding very nasally when singing. Practice lips trills up and down a scale for a few minutes to relax and avoid any tightness in your throat or tongue. 

Lips trills are sometimes referred to as lip rolls, raspberries, lip bubbles, or lip buzzing. This exercise helps put your body adequately positioned for healthy singing and speaking.

The air that pushes up from your consistent escaping breath helps you increase your breath support and puts your larynx muscles in a productive and relaxed state, and then the vibrations help relax your tongue and facial muscles. 

Related Post: How To Do Lip Trills Properly

Step 3: Touch Your Soft Palate With Your Tongue

Your soft palate is the soft section at the top and back of your throat. Chances are, this is where your tongue is resting against and causing the nasally sound when singing or speaking.

Lean into it and exaggerate the effect by joining them together with the audible sound of "NG" over and over. The back of your tongue and your soft palate may feel good together, but you don't want them staying together for long. 


Step 4: Drop Your Jaw

Drop your jaw wide, but keep your soft palate touching the back of your tongue. Good singing involves a dropped jaw for clarity of lyrics and tone, so this is a step in the right direction for a healthy position and a great-sounding voice.

Place the tips of your index fingers right in front of your ear to feel that space that you feel once you open your jaw wide and vertically.

Step 5: Separate Your Soft Palate From Your Tongue

Finally, separate the back of your tongue from your soft palate and feel that open space and airflow hit the back of your throat now that your tongue is not in the way.

This, paired with your good posture, relaxed muscles, and dropped jaw, will make for perfect singing placement and will not sound nasal! This is the feeling you want to go for each and every time you sing from now on. 

Related Post: How To Get Rid Of Tongue Tension

Benefits Of Singing Less Nasally

Improved Tone Quality

Singing without sounding nasal allows for a fuller, richer tone. By reducing nasal resonance, you can achieve a more balanced and resonant sound, enhancing the overall quality of your voice.


Enhanced Vocal Projection

Nasal resonance can limit your vocal projection, causing your voice to sound constricted and lacking in power. By minimizing nasal sounds, you can unlock greater vocal projection and ensure your voice carries well in performances.

Clearer Articulation

Nasality can affect the clarity of your diction and make it difficult for listeners to understand your lyrics. By eliminating nasal tones, you can achieve clearer articulation, allowing your words to be heard and understood more easily.

Expanded Vocal Range

Nasal resonance can restrict your vocal range by limiting the flexibility and control of your vocal apparatus. By reducing nasal sounds, you can unlock a broader vocal range and explore different registers with greater ease and precision.

Enhanced Expressiveness

Nasal sounds can detract from the emotional expressiveness of your singing. By eliminating nasality, you can achieve a more emotionally engaging performance, as your voice becomes free to convey a wider range of dynamics and nuances.

Yona Marie

As a session singer, writer, and producer that has worked with over 300 clients to provide high-quality jingles, singles, and features, Yona spends her time creating and marketing new music and helpful resources for creators. Check out Yona’s latest releases on her Spotify, her Youtube and share if you like it!

If you are in need of singer, songwriter or song producer services, see what Yona Marie can offer you on her services page.

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