14 Vocal Exercises For Beginners Learning How To Sing Thursday July 20 2023, 6:15 PM
Yona Marie
Singer, Songwriter, Producer.
14 Vocal Exercises For Beginners Learning How To Sing

Vocal Exercises For Beginners

Are you looking for a place to start learning the basics of singing? Vocal exercises are always a great place to start. 

Similar to how athletes engage in warm-up exercises to prepare their bodies before physical activity, vocal exercises serve the purpose of readying the voice, refining vocal technique, and boosting overall performance.

These techniques will not only enhance their singing abilities; they will also contribute to your overall musical development!

Whether you're a beginner looking to explore the world of singing or even if you simply want to improve your speaking voice, the vocal exercises below will serve as an excellent starting point for your journey.


One of the fundamental vocal exercises for beginners is the sirens exercise. Start by taking a deep breath, and then let out a slow and controlled "siren" sound that slides smoothly from your lowest vocal range to your highest and vice versa.

This helps in stretching and warming up your vocal cords, while also improving breath control. Also, consider doing it in the form of a yawn with a dropped jaw for more resonance. 


Jaw Loosening

Speaking of a dropped jaw, a relaxed jaw is essential for producing clear and resonant sounds. Perform jaw-loosening exercises by gently opening and closing your mouth while massaging the jaw muscles with your fingertips.

This will allow you to release the tension in the jaw and give you better vocal control and flexibility.

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Descending Glissandos

Similar to the sirens exercise, descending glissandos involve sliding down from higher notes to lower ones.

Begin at a comfortable pitch and slide smoothly down the scale, one note at a time. This exercise helps in increasing vocal flexibility and control, especially in the upper registers.

Tongue Twisters

Tongue twisters are not just fun and entertaining; they also play a crucial role in enhancing your diction and clarity of speech.

Regularly practicing tongue twisters like "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers" or "She sells seashells by the seashore" can significantly improve your articulation and control over your tongue and mouth muscles.


Vocal Straw Exercises

Using a straw for vocal exercises might sound unconventional, but it's an effective technique used by many vocal coaches.

Simply place a straw in your mouth and make different sounds while exhaling through the straw. This straw approach will reduce vocal strain, promote breath control, and develop resonance.

"Do-Re-Mi" Scale

The "Do-Re-Mi" scale, made famous by the classic musical "The Sound of Music," is an excellent exercise for beginners to learn basic pitch control.

Practice singing the scale ascending and descending, focusing on hitting each note accurately. This will really help with developing your ear for pitch and honing your ability to sing in tune.

Pitch Matching

Pitch matching is a crucial skill for any singer. Start by playing a note on a piano or a pitch pipe and try to sing the same pitch. Pay attention to your accuracy and make adjustments until you can match the pitch precisely.

Regular pitch-matching exercises will improve your ability to sing in harmony with others and enhance your overall singing skills.

Related Post: Can You Learn To Sing At Any Age? Here's The Truth


Lip Trills

Lip trills are another valuable vocal exercise for beginners. Close your lips and blow air through them, causing them to vibrate. While doing this, try to produce a steady sound.

Lip trills help in warming up the lips, tongue, and facial muscles, leading to improved vocal resonance and control.

Singing on Vowels

Practicing singing on different vowel sounds like "Mah-May-Me-Mo-Moo" helps in developing a balanced and consistent tone. Focus on maintaining a stable pitch and clarity while going through each vowel.

Practicing vowels enhances your vocal flexibility and ensures that you can produce smooth transitions between different sounds.

Singing on Numbers in the Scale

Similar to the "Do-Re-Mi" exercise, singing on numbers in the scale (e.g., 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1) is beneficial for improving your sense of pitch and vocal control. This also aids in developing your ability to navigate through various notes smoothly.

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Breath Control Exercises

Breath control is essential for sustaining long notes and maintaining vocal stability. Practice taking deep breaths and then releasing the air slowly and steadily while producing a continuous sound.

Aim to control the airflow and avoid gasping for breath mid-phrase. This will increase your breath support and endurance.

Articulation Drills

Clear articulation is crucial for delivering words with precision and understanding. Create a list of words or phrases and focus on enunciating each syllable distinctly.

This drill will improve your clarity and make your vocals more comprehensible, especially when singing or speaking rapidly.

Dynamic Range Exercise

Work on your dynamic range by practicing soft and loud singing. Start with a gentle, pianissimo sound, and gradually increase the volume to a powerful, fortissimo sound.

Then, return to a soft tone smoothly. This method improves your vocal expression and ability to convey emotions through your voice.

Resonance and Placement

Experiment with different resonance placements by humming or singing while adjusting the position of your tongue, soft palate, and mouth shape. This exercise helps in finding the best resonance for various vocal styles and enhances the richness and timbre of your voice.

Related Post: 7 Singing Techniques To Try For A Better Performance

Yona Marie

As a session singer, writer, and producer that has worked with over 300 clients to provide high-quality jingles, singles, and features, Yona spends her time creating and marketing new music and helpful resources for creators. Check out Yona’s latest releases on her Spotify, her Youtube and share if you like it!

If you are in need of singer, songwriter or song producer services, see what Yona Marie can offer you on her services page.

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