Hilarious Choir Jokes That Music Nerds Would Enjoy Tuesday October 5 2021, 8:27 AM
Yona Marie
Singer, Songwriter, Producer.
Hilarious Choir Jokes That Music Nerds Would Enjoy

Choir Humor

All choir nerds love a little choir humor here and there. It doesn't matter what type of choir you've sung in; there are just some inside jokes that only a choir member, music teacher, or conductor would get and appreciate.

You may have heard some of these jokes before, while others may surprise you! Don't hesitate to share these with your fellow music lovers, and keep the good times rolling with jokes and great music. 

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Choir Jokes 

Why were the singers locked out of their rehearsal room?

They missed the key change.

What do choruses use to pay for things?


What did the choir director say to the nervous singer?

He advised her to b natural.

What is the favorite TV show of the choir singers?

'The Sopranos'

How long does it take for a conductor to screw in a light bulb?

Nobody knows because no one was watching.

What Do You Call The Bass Dog In Choir?

A subwoofer

Why do choirs keep buckets handy?

So they can carry their tune

Why did Mozart beat up his chickens?

They always yelled Bach.

What is a choir director's favorite type of deli meat?  

So La Mi.

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How many concertmasters does it take to change a light bulb?

Just one, but it takes four movements.


What makes pirates such good singers?

They can hit the high Cs.

Why couldn't the pony sing in the choir?

He was a little hoarse.

Why wasn't the music coming from the printer?

The paper was jamming too hard.

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We had to say goodbye to the church choir last Sunday. It was due to unforeseen organ failure.

A whole choir was hit by lightning. Only the conductor got hit.

Tenor Jokes

What are chickens that are in a choir called?

Chicken tenors.

How many tenors does it take to change a light bulb?

Six. One to do it, and five to say, "It's too high for him."

Why did the tenor bring a pencil to the choir rehearsal?

To draw attention to the notes he couldn't reach!

The choir director asked me to sing tenor ... tenor fifteen miles away.


Soprano Jokes

Why was the soprano singer arrested recently?

She was in a lot of treble. (a corny joke great for kids)

How many sopranos does it take to change a light bulb.

One. She just holds on and the world revolves around her.

How does a Soprano sing a scale?

Do, Re, Mi, Me, Me, Me, Me, ME!

Bass Jokes

What is the common thing that basses say during a performance?

"Hey, what page are we on?"

What's a bass singer's favorite type of dog?


Girls like Bass singers because we go all the way down.

Did you hear about the bass vocalist who decided to leave the choir?  He wanted to sing so- low.

Alto Jokes

How many altos does it take to change a light bulb?

None. They can't get up that high.

What do you call a female opera singer who has quite a range at the lower end of the scale?

A deep-C diva.

You know, everyone is always talking about army bases. Why no love for army altos?

Part of our choir got kidnapped last week! Two guys just got arrested for grand theft alto.

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Yona Marie

As a session singer, writer, and producer that has worked with over 300 clients to provide high-quality jingles, singles, and features, Yona spends her time creating and marketing new music and helpful resources for creators. Check out Yona’s latest releases on her Spotify, her Youtube and share if you like it!

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