How To Start A Music Blog That Can Get Tons Of Traffic Friday July 16 2021, 1:03 PM
Yona Marie
Singer, Songwriter, Producer.
How To Start A Music Blog That Can Get Tons Of Traffic

How To Start A Music Blog 

Blogs are far from out of style in 2021. Sources estimate that internet browsers currently get over 61% of informational content from blogs.

Blogs are 31% more popular than email content. Video and photo content is growing in popularity, but there will always be a need for written content in order to keep up with the flexibility of a consumer's lifestyle.

Blogs are perfect for browsing while at work, in a noisy area, while traveling, at school, and from the comfort of one’s home if one wants to relax and read in peace. 

Music blogs have been losing a bit of steam lately when it comes to new music discovery, thanks to places like Pandora and Spotify, but music blogging can be so much more than just discovering new music.

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of little niches in the music world that could still use new, innovative blog creators to add valuable content to the world. 

I started this blog in late 2020, and it’s been a fascinating journey for me ever since. Dare I say this is the second most intense creative process I’ve dived into, especially in such a short amount of time.

I've been creating music pretty consistently throughout my whole life, with some very tough and near-impossible challenges that have hit me hard.

Still, my blogging journey is trying to take the cake in terms of passion, ideas, ups, downs, obstacles, and late, late nights. 

Interested in starting your very own music blog? It’s worth it, especially if you love writing in general. Here’s how to make it happen! 

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Phase One: Find A Niche

The first thing you want to figure out is what your blog will be focused on. Are you going to be doing reviews? Informative tips? Celebrity facts? Music theory?

The key to finding your niche is figuring out what you’re already well-versed in and what you have a passion for. If you have the passion but not the knowledge, it can still be done with extra focus on your research process.

If you go without passion, on the other hand, you might find it hard to be consistent in your blogging efforts.

Phase Two: Find A Brand and Domain Name 

After you find out what you want to focus your music blog on, the next challenge is to figure out your unique blog name. This will also be the name of your brand.

It can be tough to come up with a brand name that fits you. It may seem like all the good ones are taken, but the best way to be sure is with a quick google search and a Godaddy domain search.

It may take several days or even weeks to find a name that fits you and is unique, but once you find it, you’ll already feel successful, especially if it’s a really dope name. 

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Phase Three: Find A Site Host And Designer

You will then need to decide on what site host you will use to run your blog. The most popular hosts include Godaddy, Wix, WordPress, and Squarespace.

I chose a less popular but very reliable host by the name of Jamroom due to its social network site capabilities. My goal is to have my blog also turn into a community space.

With a site like Wix, it’s pretty easy to design your own blog the way you want it without needing design experience or needing to hire a web designer.

The ease of their site design process also comes with limitations of the flexibility of the site. If you’re looking for complete control over your site’s server, you will need to use something like WordPress or Jamroom and possibly hire help.

Phase Four: Start Blogging

Now we’re getting to the good stuff. In this phase, you want to begin honing your blogging skills. This is the perfect time to find your writing personality, try new ideas, and get feedback from your family and friends.

I started my blog knowing that I would need to do 50 blogs minimum before trying to drive traffic to my site so that I could really get into the consistency of it all.

If you can take the time to create and publish 50 blogs, you’re doing better than 99% of people who have started a blog site. Most people lose their focus or get lazy before 50.


You may choose to do a blog a week. You may want to do two or three a week. You could also be a crazy person like me and aim for at least five blogs a week.

Whatever pace you go at, make sure your blogs are full of value, 500+ words, and are proofread before you start getting traffic.

Phase Five: Blog And Promote

Now that you’ve got the hang of it, keep going and slowly start your promotional efforts. Many bloggers use social media ads, google ads, and a technique called search engine optimization (SEO) to get new viewers to their sites. 

If you don’t have the budget or knowledge for that, word of mouth is and will always be a valid form of marketing. Share your blog in relevant social media conversations, forums, and with people outside of the digital space. 

Related Post: How To Find Music Sponsors To Help Your Career 

This is also a good time to start social media pages for your new brand and promote it to people in your network.

You will also want to start some form of a subscriber newsletter using a tool like Mailchimp or Aweber and get your readers to sign up for email notifications about your future content.

Any way you can think of keeping your readers engaged and coming back for more, try it! As long as it isn’t anything risky to your site's quality!


Blogging is far from out of style, with over 61% of internet users getting their informational content from blogs in 2021. While video and photo content may be growing in popularity, blogs offer a level of flexibility that keeps them relevant.

Music blogging, in particular, still has an audience in niches that need new, innovative blog creators. If you’re passionate about writing, starting your music blog can be a fascinating journey. The first step is to find a niche, focusing on what you already know and are passionate about.

The next step is to figure out a unique brand name and domain name, which can take several days or even weeks, but is worth it. Once you find it, choose a reliable site host like WordPress, Jamroom, Wix, or Squarespace.

Start blogging and hone your skills by creating value-filled, 500+ word posts, and proofread before publishing. Finally, start promoting your blog on social media and other platforms, and engage with your readers.

Blogging takes time and dedication, but with patience and consistency, you’ll build an audience, and your passion will take you to new heights.

Yona Marie

As a session singer, writer, and producer that has worked with over 300 clients to provide high-quality jingles, singles, and features, Yona spends her time creating and marketing new music and helpful resources for creators. Check out Yona’s latest releases on her Spotify, her Youtube and share if you like it!

If you are in need of singer, songwriter or song producer services, see what Yona Marie can offer you on her services page.

Check Out My Latest Single Release Below:

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